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Topic: Nationalism

Nationalism is the belief in and promotion of the interests of one's nation or ethnic group, often leading to a sense of cultural, political, or economic superiority over others.

More on: Nationalism

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of nationalism, including its relationship to patriotism, the rise of nationalist movements and far-right parties, the impact of nationalism on global politics and economic policies, and how nationalism has shaped historical events and conflicts.

The episodes delve into case studies such as the rise of nationalist sentiment in Europe The economic implications of Europe's jolt right, the role of nationalism in the breakup of Yugoslavia The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia, the influence of nationalist ideas on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the start of World War I The Murder of Franz Ferdinand: The Killer (Part 1), and the tension between nationalism and global cooperation Are We Living Through the Most Revolutionary Period in History?.

The episodes also explore the nuances of nationalism, such as the distinction between healthy patriotism and potentially dangerous forms of unchecked nationalism America, we love you. But it's hard., and the complex relationship between nationalism and liberation movements The History of Freedom w/Lea Ypi: Liberation Movements.

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