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Topic: Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning involves tracking fertility signs like basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and menstrual cycle patterns to plan pregnancies or avoid conception without the use of artificial contraceptives.

More on: Natural Family Planning

The podcast episodes provided discuss natural family planning as an alternative to conventional fertility treatments and birth control methods, highlighting its benefits in terms of women's health, ethical considerations, and empowerment.

In the first episode, Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal, Dr. Lauren Rubal emphasizes the importance of fertility awareness and natural family planning methods as alternatives to the IVF industry and traditional approaches to fertility and contraception.

The second episode, The Shocking Truth About Birth Control, features Dr. Josh Axe advocating for natural family planning techniques, such as tracking cycles, basal body temperature, and cervical mucus, as safer and more effective alternatives to birth control pills, which he claims can have various negative side effects on women's health.

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