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Topic: Nature vs. nurture

The debate over whether our traits and behaviors are primarily shaped by our innate biological makeup (nature) or by our environment and upbringing (nurture).

More on: Nature vs. nurture

The topic of nature vs. nurture is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes provided, with each exploring the interplay between genetic/biological factors (nature) and environmental/experiential influences (nurture) in various contexts.

For example, the episode '#363: Korean "Evil" Twin Tried To Kill "Perfect" Sister To Take Over Her Identity' delves into the sibling rivalry and attempted murder between identical twin sisters, raising questions about how their upbringing may have contributed to their actions and relationship. Similarly, the episode 'The Moth Radio Hour: Skin Tight Genes' features personal stories exploring the role of genetics and environment in shaping lives and identities.

Other episodes, such as 'Lucy' and 'S2 Ep. 5: Personality Types Unpacked: "I Can't Face Me"', directly examine the nature vs. nurture debate in the context of animal behavior and human personality, respectively.

Overall, the podcast episodes provided offer a diverse exploration of the nature vs. nurture topic, highlighting its relevance across various domains of human experience.

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