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Topic: Neural Circuits

Neural circuits are the intricate networks of interconnected neurons that process and transmit information within the brain, enabling various cognitive and behavioral functions.

More on: Neural Circuits

The podcast episodes discuss several topics that relate to neural circuits, providing insights into the underlying neurobiology of various mental processes and disorders.

For example, the episode on Social Anxiety with Dr. Cummings explores the neural circuits and brain regions involved in monitoring threats and modulating anxiety responses, while the episode on The Science of Making & Breaking Habits delves into the specific neural circuits involved in habit formation and breaking, such as the basal ganglia and the dorsolateral striatum.

The episode on Science of Social Bonding in Family, Friendship & Romantic Love discusses the neural pathways and brain regions involved in social bonding processes, and the episode on Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction describes the two main neural circuits involved in dopamine transmission for movement and motivation/reward.

Finally, the episode on ADHD & How Anyone Can Improve Their Focus explores the neural circuits involved in ADHD, including the default mode network, task-positive networks, and the role of dopamine in coordinating these circuits.

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