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Topic: Neural plasticity

Neural plasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganize and change its connections in response to experience, learning, and other factors.

More on: Neural plasticity

The concept of neural plasticity, or the brain's capacity to reorganize and modify its structure and function over time, is a recurring theme in the Huberman Lab podcast episodes.

For example, in Episode 4143, Huberman discusses neural plasticity in the context of personal growth and development, emphasizing its importance for learning new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functions.

Similarly, in Episode 46960, the perceptual exercise described is a practical application of neural plasticity, as it trains the brain to adapt and rewire its time perception abilities.

Across multiple episodes, Huberman explores how various practices, such as music, gratitude, and focus-enhancing techniques, can leverage and induce neural plasticity to improve cognitive and physical performance.

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