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Topic: New product development

New product development is the process of creating and bringing a new product or service to market, often involving research, ideation, testing, and commercialization.

More on: New product development

The topic of new product development is covered in the two podcast episodes provided, which explore different aspects of the process.

The first episode, Hard-won lessons building 0 to 1 inside Atlassian, focuses on the challenges and strategies involved in developing new products from scratch within a large organization, such as Atlassian's internal incubator Point A. The episode discusses the key principles and learnings that enabled the successful launch of products like Jira Product Discovery.

The second episode, This Is How the Food Industry Is Preparing For a Post-Ozempic World, delves into the process of developing new food and beverage products, including new flavors, portion sizes, and ingredient combinations, to cater to changing consumer demands, particularly in response to the weight loss drug Ozempic.

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