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Topic: New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions are annual goals and commitments people make to improve themselves or their lives at the start of a new year.

More on: New Year's resolutions

The podcast episodes provided focus on the topic of New Year's resolutions, exploring strategies, challenges, and personal experiences related to setting and achieving these annual goals.

Several episodes directly address the tradition and process of making New Year's resolutions, such as The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals, Doomscrolling, Sitting Jeans, & Casual Posting | Sadie, Bella, Mary Kate, Rebecca, & Abby, and #712: The Random Show - 2024 New Year's Resolutions, Tim's 30-Day No-Caffeine Experiment, Mental Health Breakthroughs, AI Upheaval, Dealmaking and Advising for Startups, The Next-Gen of Note-Taking, Digital Security Tips, and Much More.

Other episodes discuss the topic in the context of personal growth, habit formation, and self-improvement, such as WEIRDEST ENCOUNTER WITH A STRANGER?! | EP 363 | ShxtsNGigs Podcast, Habits Wasting Your Time (and Money) in 2024, and The Bass Pro Shop Incident.

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