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Topic: Non-disclosure agreements

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are legal contracts that prohibit individuals from sharing confidential information, often used in the entertainment industry to restrict what reality TV contestants can say about their experiences.

More on: Non-disclosure agreements

The podcast episodes discuss how restrictive NDAs and contracts for reality TV shows have prevented cast members from speaking out about problems or mistreatment they have faced behind the scenes.

For example, the cast members of the show 'Love is Blind' have filed lawsuits against the production company, alleging that the restrictive NDAs they signed prevented them from sharing their true experiences on the show. Similarly, a former producer of 'The Apprentice' has spoken out about his regrets over his role in shaping Donald Trump's image on the show, now that his NDA has expired after 20 years.

These episodes highlight how NDAs can be used to suppress information and maintain control over the narrative around reality TV shows, and the impact this has on the portrayal of these programs and the experiences of the contestants.

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