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Topic: Non-human intelligences

Non-human intelligences refer to entities or beings that are not of human origin, which may be responsible for various unexplained phenomena, including UFO/UAP sightings.

More on: Non-human intelligences

The podcast episodes provided discuss the potential existence of non-human intelligences, which are a central topic of interest in the fields of ufology and the study of anomalous experiences.

In episode #232 of the Danny Jones Podcast, the discussion explores cases like Chris Bledsoe's orb encounters and theories of non-human intelligences and interdimensional realms, highlighting the implications for science and religion. Similarly, episode 826 of The Paranormal Podcast emphasizes the importance of examining encounters with non-human intelligences as part of the UFO/UAP phenomenon.

The interview with Bernardo Kastrup on The UFO Rabbit Hole Podcast delves deeper into the possibility of non-human intelligences, either extraterrestrial or terrestrial in origin, being responsible for some UFO sightings, and how his theory of reality being essentially mental can account for the bizarre aspects of the UFO phenomenon.

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