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Topic: Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication encompasses the subtle yet powerful ways we convey meaning, emotion, and connection through body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonlinguistic cues.

More on: Nonverbal communication

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of nonverbal communication from a variety of angles, highlighting its importance in various contexts.

For example, the episode 'Being Body Conscious' discusses the role of embodied microaggressions and the significance of nonverbal cues in social interactions, while 'Duff Goldman: Speaking without words' delves into how creating art and other nonverbal forms of expression can convey deeper meaning than spoken language.

The episode 'When Words Aren't Enough: How to Excel at Nonverbal Communication' provides an in-depth examination of the 'five nonverbal rules of power' and how understanding and mastering nonverbal behaviors can enhance communication skills.

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