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Topic: Novelty

Novelty, the desire for new and exciting experiences, shapes our perceptions and behaviors in profound ways.

More on: Novelty

The podcast episodes explore the role of novelty and the desire for new and unique experiences in shaping cultural trends, consumer behaviors, and even our physiological and psychological responses.

In Stuffed Animals Gone Wild, the episode examines how the fascination with unconventional stuffed animals like axolotls and narwhals reflects a broader societal craving for novelty and the unexpected. The Making the World Sparkle Again episode discusses how our brains are wired to focus on the new and novel, and how this can lead us to take wonderful things for granted. The The Secret Behind Resisting Dopamine episode explores how introducing novelty to tasks can help regulate dopamine usage and increase motivation for familiar activities.

The Time Perception & Entrainment by Dopamine, Serotonin & Hormones episode delves deeper into the neurological mechanisms behind our perception of time and how novelty can impact our sense of the passage of time and the intensity of our experiences.

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