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Topic: Nuclear technology

Nuclear technology encompasses the development and applications of radioactive materials, including the processing of plutonium and spent nuclear fuel, with implications for national security, environmental impact, and technological progress.

More on: Nuclear technology

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of nuclear technology, from its historical origins and development to its contemporary applications and societal impacts.

For example, episode 556: Compilation: Ancient Mysteries vol 1 explores the possibility of ancient advanced civilizations possessing nuclear technology, challenging mainstream archaeological understanding. Episode Jobs IRL: Looking at jobs on a more atomic level focuses on the Savannah River Site's apprenticeship program and its role in training people for nuclear technology jobs.

The episodes also delve into the broader context of nuclear technology, such as its environmental impacts, political ideologies, and the duality of its military and civilian applications, as seen in episodes Per Högselius and Achim Klüppelberg, "The Soviet Nuclear Archipelago: A Historical Geography of Atomic-Powered Communism" (CEU Press, 2023) and Jonah Nolan (director & screenwriter).

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