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Topic: Nuclear testing

Nuclear testing, the detonation of nuclear weapons for scientific, military, or political purposes, has had far-reaching impacts on human health, the environment, and geopolitics.

More on: Nuclear testing

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of nuclear testing, including its effects on local populations, the government's response, and the ongoing efforts to compensate those affected.

For example, the episode "Inside the urgent Hill fight to compensate nuclear testing survivors" focuses on the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) and the challenges in renewing and expanding the program to cover more individuals impacted by nuclear testing. The episode "Generations After The First Nuclear Test, Those Sickened Fight For Compensation" delves into the Trinity nuclear test and its long-term health consequences for nearby communities.

The podcast "Phoenix Lights Pt. 1" suggests a potential connection between the prevalence of UFO sightings in the American Southwest and the region's history of nuclear weapons testing and military activities.

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