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Topic: Obama administration

The Obama administration played a significant role in shaping the political landscape, with its policies and leadership continuing to have lasting impacts.

More on: Obama administration

The Obama administration is a recurring topic across the podcast episodes, with several episodes referencing events, policies, and personnel from that period as context for understanding the current political landscape.

For example, the episode 'Obama is Pulling the Strings (Ep 2198)' accuses the current Biden administration of being controlled by Obama, while 'How Merrick Garland Appeased Trump - 309 PREVIEW' discusses how Merrick Garland's experiences under Obama have influenced his actions as Attorney General. Other episodes, such as 'Jen Psaki on Being Biden's Press Secretary and The Upcoming Debate' and 'Hostess with the Mostest', feature guests who worked in the Obama administration and draw on that experience.

The Obama administration's approach to issues like trade policy, technology, and energy is also frequently referenced as relevant historical context.

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