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Topic: Occupation of Palestinian territories

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967 is a root cause of the ongoing conflict and a major obstacle to achieving lasting peace in the region.

More on: Occupation of Palestinian territories

The podcast episodes provided explore the complexities surrounding the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and its impact on the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

The occupation, which began in 1967 after the Six-Day War, is identified as a key driver of the conflict, creating a protracted humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories, escalating violence, and obstructing the peace process. Episode 24650 discusses how the ongoing occupation is a major obstacle to achieving a permanent ceasefire and resolution to the conflict, while Episode 7234 examines how the rise of right-wing ideologies in Israeli politics, which advocate for the expansion of settlements and the oppression of Palestinians, has further entrenched the occupation and undermined efforts towards a negotiated settlement.

The episodes highlight how the occupation has led to the erosion of Palestinian rights, the entrenchment of power imbalances, and the perpetuation of a cycle of violence, making it a central and highly contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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