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Topic: Olympic games

The Olympic Games is a prestigious international multi-sport event featuring thousands of athletes from around the world competing in a variety of competitions.

More on: Olympic games

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to the Olympic Games, from the history and controversies to the experiences of individual athletes and the larger societal impact.

For example, the episode 'Short Stuff: POW Olympics' discusses the little-known phenomenon of POW Olympics during World War II, which intersected with the official Olympic Games in interesting ways. The episode 'Best Of Times, Worst Of Times' delves into memorable moments and controversies from past Olympic games.

Other episodes examine more contemporary issues, such as the doping scandal in swimming ahead of the Paris Olympics, discussed in 'The Doping Scandal Rocking the Upcoming Olympics', and the debate around performance-enhancing substances and the need for ethical reform in the Olympic system, explored in '#2166 - Enhanced Games'.

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