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Topic: Online Culture

Online culture encompasses the evolving landscape of digital interactions, content creation, and the influence of algorithms in shaping contemporary experiences and perspectives.

More on: Online Culture

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of how the internet and digital technologies have influenced and transformed culture, particularly in terms of language, online communities, and the impact of platforms like TikTok.

For example, the episode Do you speak Brain Rot? How the internet is changing language delves into the rise of internet slang and how it reflects broader online subcultures, while the episode What losing TikTok could mean for online culture examines the significant role TikTok has played in shaping viral trends and democratizing content creation.

Other episodes, such as 174. Why Danny Aarons Is Getting Hate, Jynxzi's W2S Beef & Breaking Into Bohemian Grove! and 39: Santa is a Dangerous Rogue Agent, explore how online culture has influenced various aspects of life, including humor, perspectives, and even the reinterpretation of cultural traditions.

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