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Topic: Online harassment

Online harassment refers to the use of digital technologies to target, threaten, or intimidate individuals, often resulting in emotional distress, reputational damage, and safety concerns.

More on: Online harassment

The podcast episodes explore the complex and pervasive issue of online harassment, highlighting the experiences of individuals who have faced severe, relentless, and often coordinated attacks through social media, online forums, and other digital channels.

Specific examples of online harassment shown in the episodes include the creation of dedicated 'snark' communities to mock and criticize influencers An influencer's battle against her snark subreddit, the non-consensual sharing of explicit content and personal information Revenge Bytes, and the use of fake accounts, trolling, and threats to harass and sabotage victims Pretend: The Stalker - Part 1.

The episodes also delve into the broader societal impacts of online harassment, such as the challenges faced by content moderators What is Reddit really worth?, the gender-based nature of much of this harassment TEASER: I Am The GooseKing (w/ Ben Firke), and the difficulties victims often face in seeking legal recourse and support S20 E3: Don't Wake the Bear.

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