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Topic: Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is the value of the best alternative forgone when making a decision.

More on: Opportunity cost

The concept of opportunity cost is a central theme in the podcast episodes provided, as the hosts discuss the importance of evaluating potential decisions and investments based on their long-term impact and the value of alternatives that would be sacrificed.

In Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin episode 'Opportunity cost (E)', Seth Godin extensively explores the principle of opportunity cost as a framework for thinking about how to invest one's time. Similarly, in The Personal Finance Podcast episode 'The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On', the host discusses opportunity cost in the context of personal finance decisions and their lasting financial implications.

Furthermore, in The Game w/ Alex Hormozi episode 'Getting Bad Advice from Good People', the host Alex Hormozi emphasizes the importance of opportunity cost when making entrepreneurial decisions, encouraging listeners to 'go all in' once a decision is made based on the potential gains and sacrifices.

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