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Topic: Overcoming biases

Overcoming biases involves actively seeking out differing viewpoints and disconfirming evidence to challenge one's own preconceptions and assumptions.

More on: Overcoming biases

The topic of 'Overcoming biases' is central to the podcast episodes provided, which discuss various strategies and mindsets for overcoming cognitive biases and other barriers to personal and societal progress.

In the episode 'The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)', social psychologist Jonathan Haidt emphasizes the importance of seeking out differing viewpoints and disconfirming evidence to overcome confirmation bias and promote intellectual growth. Similarly, in the episode 'Maybe You're Not Good Enough (Yet) | Ep 727', Alex Hormozi advises against blaming failures on biases, instead encouraging listeners to take full responsibility and strive to become 'undeniably' good through persistent self-improvement.

These episodes highlight the key themes of intellectual humility, personal responsibility, and a growth mindset as crucial elements in overcoming biases and achieving success.

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