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Topic: Overspending

Overspending refers to the habitual pattern of spending more money than one can reasonably afford, often leading to financial difficulties and debt.

More on: Overspending

The podcast episodes provided explore the issue of overspending from various perspectives, highlighting how it can negatively impact individuals and families.

In episode 163. "I work & watch my infant FT b/c we can't afford childcare", the couple struggles to afford childcare due to frequent overspending on discretionary items, despite lacking sufficient savings.

Similarly, in episode 149. "We have no savings but bought our kid a $500 toy for Christmas" (Part 1), the couple's tendency to overspend, especially on their daughter, is a central issue explored.

Episode "How do I stop overspending?" directly addresses the challenge of overspending habits and provides tips for curbing this behavior.

The podcast episodes highlight how overspending can be driven by various factors, including lifestyle inflation, poor budgeting, and underlying money beliefs and psychology.

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