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Topic: Pain

Pain is a complex, multifaceted experience that serves as a vital protective mechanism for the body, but can also become a debilitating and chronic condition.

More on: Pain

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of pain, including its neurobiology, perception, and management.

Several episodes delve into the role of pain as a motivator for growth and personal achievement, as exemplified by episodes like Tony Hawk and the Trick That Changed Everything and Arnold Schwarzenegger Endnotes (Free Preview).

Other episodes focus on the science behind pain, its types, and effective methods for controlling and reducing it, as seen in Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain and How to Control Your Sense of Pain & Pleasure.

Episodes also cover specific pain-related conditions, such as the excruciating experience of Irukandji stings, as explored in Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly, and the complex nature of itch, as discussed in Itch hunt.

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