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Topic: Pain and suffering

Pain and suffering are universal human experiences that often challenge our faith and resilience, but can also lead to personal growth and a deeper connection with the divine.

More on: Pain and suffering

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of pain, suffering, and the search for meaning and purpose amidst life's difficulties.

Episode 9 Strategies to Pursue Your Purpose explores how finding purpose can help transform painful experiences into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

In Day 173: Confidence in God (2024), Fr. Mike Schmitz discusses finding hope and faith in the midst of grief, loss, and trials when God's purposes are not fully understood.

The episode 5 Harsh Truths That Will Change Your Life delves into the distinction between pain (as inevitable) and suffering (as optional, arising from narratives), highlighting the importance of mindset in navigating life's challenges.

The vivid descriptions of suffering in Ch.190: Heart Pierced By a Hundred Swords; Savage Ghost Takes Form Pt. 2 emphasize the theme of physical and psychological anguish.

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