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Topic: Paleoclimatology

Paleoclimatology is the study of past climate conditions on Earth, using various proxies and evidence to reconstruct climate patterns over geological timescales.

More on: Paleoclimatology

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of paleoclimatology, including the use of proxies like isotopic ratios, tree rings, and ancient sea level records to reconstruct past climate conditions.

For example, Episode 276 of Sean Carroll's Mindscape podcast touches on the study of past climates and the use of proxies to reconstruct temperature and climate conditions. Episode 45 of The Energy Transition Show with Chris Nelder explores paleoclimatology in depth, explaining how it helps validate climate models and understand future sea level rise.

Additionally, Episode 968 of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe delves into facts and concepts around the last ice age glacial periods, including Earth's obliquity changes.

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