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Topic: Paradoxes

Paradoxes are intriguing logical contradictions or counterintuitive statements that challenge our assumptions and spur deeper understanding.

More on: Paradoxes

Paradoxes play a central role in the podcast episodes, challenging assumptions and promoting critical thinking.

For example, the Alford plea explored in the Radiolab episode is a paradoxical legal option where defendants plead guilty while maintaining their innocence.

The Something You Should Know episode delves into various types of paradoxes, such as the self-referential paradox of "I always tell lies", and how they can help us see the world in new ways.

The time travel paradoxes in The Rewatchables podcast and MrCreepyPasta's Storytime show how paradoxes can arise from complex narratives, provoking deeper contemplation.

The 60-Second Science episode and Lex Fridman Podcast explore the paradoxical challenges that time travel and other scientific concepts pose to our understanding of reality.

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