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Topic: Parallel Realities

Parallel Realities explores the concept of alternate dimensions and how they can interact with our own reality, as depicted in various podcast episodes.

More on: Parallel Realities

The podcast episodes provided explore the idea of parallel realities and dimensions, with characters from alternate universes interacting with the primary reality.

In Chapter 35: Sheep? of Midnight Burger, the diner's crew is revealed to be from an alternate reality, leading to the exploration of parallel dimensions and their interactions.

Similarly, in Episode 249 - Rifts of Welcome to Night Vale, the appearance of an older version of a character from a different reality suggests the existence of parallel universes.

The story Labyrinth of Stars from MrCreepyPasta's Storytime also deals with the concept of parallel realities, where entities from an alternate dimension seek to harvest human consciousness across multiple realities.

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