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Topic: Paranormal investigations

Paranormal investigations involve the systematic exploration and documentation of unexplained phenomena, from ghost sightings and cryptid encounters to UFO experiences and interdimensional occurrences.

More on: Paranormal investigations

The podcast episodes presented demonstrate a deep fascination with the paranormal and a desire to uncover the truth behind a wide range of unexplained occurrences, from alleged Bigfoot sightings to haunted houses and interdimensional portals.

Through interviews with eyewitnesses, paranormal investigators, and experts, the podcasts delve into the details of these mysterious events, often highlighting the challenges of gathering credible evidence and the personal impacts these encounters can have.

The episodes cover a diverse array of paranormal topics, from the mythology and folklore surrounding cryptids like the Beast of Bray Road Ouija Board, to the scientific and philosophical implications of phenomena like missing time and dimensional rifts The Beast Of Bray Road.

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