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Topic: Parliamentary politics

Parliamentary politics involves the processes and dynamics of governing through a legislative body, including debates, votes, and the formation of government.

More on: Parliamentary politics

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of parliamentary politics, from the fragmentation of the British political landscape to the melodrama and hypocrisy underlying the system.

The episode The worst Tory defeat in history analyzes the 2024 UK general election, where Keir Starmer's Labour Party won a landslide victory, while Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party suffered its worst defeat. The episode discusses the challenges of governing with a diverse parliamentary party and the potential for instability.

In The Great Political Fictions: Phineas Redux, the podcast examines how Anthony Trollope's novel Phineas Redux depicts the lack of genuine principles and the self-interest underlying Victorian parliamentary politics, drawing parallels to recent British politics under Boris Johnson.

The episode What triggered the protests in Kenya? focuses on how protesters overran the Kenyan parliament building after the finance bill was passed, highlighting the public's rage at corruption and economic woes.

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