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Topic: Patient advocacy

Patient advocacy involves actively promoting and protecting the rights, needs, and preferences of patients to improve their healthcare experiences and outcomes.

More on: Patient advocacy

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of patient advocacy, highlighting how individuals and organizations work to improve healthcare experiences, access, and outcomes for patients.

Many episodes feature personal stories of patients advocating for themselves or on behalf of others, such as Bea Amma's mission to expose corruption in the med spa industry and Lauren Lavelle's efforts to hold medical professionals accountable for harm caused to her baby.

Other episodes explore the role of patient advocates in shaping policies and practices, such as Dr. Christina Francis' involvement in legal challenges to abortion access and the work of organizations like the Brem Foundation in advocating for improved breast cancer screening and care.

The episodes also emphasize the importance of patient self-advocacy, encouraging listeners to take an active role in their healthcare by asking questions, seeking second opinions, and communicating openly with providers.

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