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Topic: Patreon community

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows creators to receive financial support from their audience in exchange for exclusive content and community engagement.

More on: Patreon community

The podcast episodes provided discuss the use of Patreon communities in various contexts. In Episode 51008 of 'I've Had It', the hosts have an ongoing conflict with their 'gay' Patreon members and make efforts to spite them.

In Episode 53316 of 'Revolutionary Left Radio', one of the hosts discusses his idea for creating a Patreon-based community called the 'Shoeless Sangha' for group discussion and meditation.

The episodes of 'In Totality with Megan Ashley' (Episode 58949 and Episode 59285) emphasize the importance of their dedicated Patreon community and the exclusive access their supporters will have to upcoming events and content.

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