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Topic: Perseverance in Faith

Perseverance in Faith: Steadfastly pursuing God's will and remaining faithful despite challenges and obstacles.

More on: Perseverance in Faith

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the importance of persevering in faith, as the hosts encourage listeners to maintain their dedication to God and to continue seeking Him even when facing difficult passages in Scripture or life experiences.

For example, in episode Day 165: The Lover and the Beloved (2024), Fr. Mike Schmitz emphasizes the need to persevere in faithfulness to God throughout one's life, using the examples of King Asa and Jehoshaphat. Similarly, in episode Stephanie Ike & The Spirit Realm | Girls Gone Bible, Stephanie Okafor stresses the importance of perseverance, hunger, and tenacity in seeking God and knocking on the doors of breakthrough, even when facing challenges or obstacles.

The episodes also encourage listeners to trust in God's faithfulness and to allow Scripture to shape their perspective, even when confronted with difficult or seemingly brutal passages, as seen in episode Day 76: War Against Midian (2024).

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