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Topic: Personal appearance

Personal appearance encompasses the way individuals present themselves through their physical attributes, grooming, and style choices.

More on: Personal appearance

The topic of personal appearance is prominently featured in the provided podcast episodes, where the hosts engage in discussions and debates about various aspects of physical appearance.

In the episode 'Postgame Show: The Land of Lincoln', the hosts analyze Kyle Shanahan's new mustache, comparing it to various celebrities and fictional characters.

The episode 'Things You Will Get Roasted For...' delves into the importance of physical appearance in roasting sessions, highlighting how individuals can be criticized for their haircuts, hairlines, and fashion choices.

Similarly, the episode 'Are We Bad People?' begins with a discussion about Asmund Gold's hair and Asmongold's preference for him to shave his head instead of getting a hair transplant, underscoring the significance of personal appearance in the social dynamics of the podcast's audience.

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