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Topic: Personal examples

Personal examples are used to illustrate concepts and make them more relatable for the audience.

More on: Personal examples

The podcast episodes examined in the first document frequently feature the hosts sharing personal examples, stories, and anecdotes from their own lives to illustrate the concepts they are discussing.

This technique helps make the content more relatable and resonant for the audience, as they can better understand and connect with the ideas being presented through the lens of the host's own experiences.

For instance, in the episode 5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut, Mel Robbins shares multiple personal anecdotes to highlight the benefits of trying new things and adding more adventure to one's life. Similarly, in the episode As Our Kids Get Older - 5 Ways to Continue Building Lasting Emotional Bonds, Janet Lansbury draws from her experiences parenting her own three children to offer advice on maintaining strong relationships as kids grow older.

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