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Topic: Personal relationship with God

A personal relationship with God is a deep, intimate connection with the divine that goes beyond just following religious teachings.

More on: Personal relationship with God

The podcasts in the given set explore the concept of a personal relationship with God from different perspectives. In the episode 'EP 35: Rooted In Grace (Ft. Quianna Eason)', the host Megan Ashley discusses the importance of cultivating a genuine, authentic relationship with God beyond just church teachings and societal influences. The episode highlights how Quianna's unwavering faith helped her navigate the emotional turbulence of divorce and the complexities of co-parenting.

In the episode 'Is It Rational to Believe in God? | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.', Father Gregory Pine examines the rationality and reasonableness of supernatural faith, framing it as a personal relationship and commitment of trust in God as the source of truth. He delves into the philosophical and theological underpinnings of faith, exploring concepts such as the nature of knowledge, the coherence of faith, and the role of reason in belief.

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