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Topic: Personal Values and Ethics

Personal Values and Ethics are the fundamental principles that guide an individual's decision-making and behavior, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

More on: Personal Values and Ethics

The topic of Personal Values and Ethics is prominently featured in the podcast episodes, as they highlight the importance of aligning one's definition of success with personal values and ethics, rather than solely pursuing societal norms.

In the episode "Girls That Startup: Why We Should Talk about Our Success in Business", the hosts discuss the significance of focusing on impact rather than vanity metrics, and how shifting their mindset towards more fulfilling goals has brought them greater satisfaction.

Similarly, the episode "Bootstrap to Breakthrough: Building a Culture of Execution and Shared Values with Joseph Elias Phillips and William Corbera" underscores the role of strong personal values and ethical foundations as guiding principles for decision-making and maintaining integrity as leaders and entrepreneurs.

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