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Topic: Personality assessments

Personality assessments are tools used to measure and analyze an individual's psychological characteristics, preferences, and behavioral tendencies.

More on: Personality assessments

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of personality assessments, including their use in different contexts such as relationships, teamwork, and investing.

For example, episode Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob explores the relevance of personality assessments in finding compatible partners, while episode High I in DISC and Teamwork Weaknesses (MTDISC) - Part 1 provides guidance on how individuals with a high 'I' (influence) personality style can improve their teamwork skills.

Episode Investor Stories 344: Best LP Question (Kaiser, Jones, Jain) also touches on the use of personality tests by limited partners (LPs) when evaluating venture capital funds, as a way to assess traits beyond just financial metrics.

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