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Topic: Podcast promotion

Podcast promotion involves various strategies and tactics to engage listeners, build a loyal audience, and increase the visibility and reach of a podcast.

More on: Podcast promotion

The podcast episodes analyzed demonstrate numerous ways in which podcast promotion is a central focus for the hosts and creators of these shows.

Many episodes feature direct calls-to-action for listeners to subscribe, rate, review, or share the podcast on social media. Examples include Pod Chat Returns in June, and Community Membership News, #911 - "North Carolina!, Police Gangs, Arizona Abortion Backlash, and A$$hole of Today feat. Jesse Watters.", and Rank Choice Voting [Episode 062].

Podcast creators also promote their shows, networks, and associated content through cross-promotional segments, such as in A Message From Sara, A Message From Vinnie, and Cracks in the Narrative.

Sponsorships, merchandise, premium content, and live events are also common tactics used by podcast hosts to engage their audiences and generate revenue, as seen in episodes like Big Announcement…, A MASSIVE SÉANCE with American Hysteria in Portland, Oregon, and Introducing: Solicited Advice with Alison Roman.

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