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Topic: Political credibility

Political credibility refers to the perceived trustworthiness, integrity, and competence of politicians and political parties in the eyes of the public.

More on: Political credibility

The topic of political credibility is closely related to the podcast episodes provided, as they explore the challenges and questions surrounding the credibility of far-right and right-wing politicians and parties.

The first episode, 'The Dutch far-right takes its first steps into office', discusses how the inclusion of the far-right PVV party in the Dutch coalition government raises questions about whether the party's radical promises will be tempered by the realities of governance, and whether this will ultimately enhance or undermine their credibility.

The second episode, 'Liz Truss and her plan to 'save the west'', examines how the former UK Prime Minister's controversial actions and agenda have impacted the credibility of both her personal brand and the Conservative party as a whole, particularly in terms of their economic policies and reputation among voters.

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