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Topic: Political economy

Political economy is the study of how political forces and economic forces interact to shape policymaking and societal outcomes.

More on: Political economy

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics within the field of political economy, ranging from the history and political dynamics of economic policies like tariffs and monetary systems, to the critique of capitalist structures and exploration of alternative economic models.

Many of the episodes delve into the intersection of economic factors, political forces, and their influence on societal outcomes, such as issues of inequality, power dynamics, and the prospects for transformative change. For example, episodes like "Why tariffs are SO back" and "Is Neoliberalism Dead? w/ Sam Gindin" examine the political economy of trade and economic policymaking.

Other episodes, such as "Confronting Neoclassical Economics" and "Neoliberalism: What is it? Where did it come from? w/ Ray Kiely", focus on the critique of dominant economic theories and the exploration of heterodox approaches that emphasize the role of power, institutions, and social relations in shaping economic outcomes.

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