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Topic: Political ideologies

Political ideologies are organized systems of beliefs, values, and goals that guide and justify political actions and decisions.

More on: Political ideologies

The podcast episodes provided explore a wide range of political ideologies, including conservatism, liberalism, progressivism, socialism, libertarianism, and more.

Several episodes delve into the contrasts and conflicts between different ideological perspectives, such as the tensions between far-right and left-wing parties in the Netherlands The Dutch far-right takes its first steps into office, the evolving ideological leanings of the UK Labour Party under Keir Starmer The enigma of Keir Starmer, and the ideological divides within the Scottish National Party Scotland's first minister Humza Yousaf resigns.

Other episodes analyze the influence of political ideologies on various societal issues, from the military's approach to diversity and inclusion How The Military Went Woke | Pete Hegseth to the role of ideologies in shaping narratives around protests and social movements Who Really Protests, and Why?.

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