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Topic: Political Polarization and Divisiveness

Political polarization and divisiveness in the United States have deepened, with both major political parties engaging in intense rhetoric, spin, and identity politics that further divide the country.

More on: Political Polarization and Divisiveness

The podcast episodes provided highlight the deep divisions and lack of unity within American politics, with both major political parties and their supporters adopting opposing stances on a wide range of issues.

The episodes demonstrate how this polarization has led to a growing frustration among independent voters, who express a desire for more moderation and cooperation from political leaders. The episodes also touch on the erosion of trust in political institutions and the disconnect between voters and their representatives.

These themes are exemplified in episodes such as Independents Day, which examines the growing influence of independent voters, and Can Trump become president with a criminal conviction?, which explores the deep divisions surrounding the legal troubles of a former president.

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