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Topic: Political Tensions in France

France's national elections have become a battleground between the country's diverse national team and the rising tide of far-right politics, with high stakes for the upcoming Paris Olympics.

More on: Political Tensions in France

The podcast episodes examine the broader political tensions and divisions within France, as reflected in the contrast between the success and diversity of the French national football team and the growing popularity of the far-right party.

The episodes highlight how the country's national team, which has historically been a symbol of unity and inclusion, is now at odds with the far-right's values and policies, as France approaches a crucial national election that could have significant implications for the upcoming Paris Olympics.

The episodes discuss the warnings from President Macron about the potential for civil war if the far-right and hard-left parties gain significant power, and how this political turmoil is shaping the narrative surrounding the French national team and the upcoming Paris Olympics.

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