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Topic: Political violence

Political violence refers to the use of forceful means to achieve political goals, often through acts of intimidation, aggression, or catastrophic destruction.

More on: Political violence

The podcast episodes discuss various manifestations of political violence, including the potential for increased violence and unrest stemming from the rhetoric and influence of figures like Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, as well as concerns over efforts to undermine the integrity of the electoral process.

Several episodes examine historical examples of political violence, such as the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which sparked World War I The Murder of Franz Ferdinand: The Killer (Part 1), the fascist riots in Paris in 1934 Fascists Riot in Paris, and the violent consolidation of power by Roman emperors like Septimius Severus The Battle of Lugdunum.

The episodes also explore contemporary issues related to political violence, such as the rise of far-right extremist militias organizing online How Far-Right, Extremist Militias Organize On Facebook, the use of violence by groups like Antifa Unmasked: Inside Antifa, and concerns over the potential for left-wing violence in response to a Trump election victory Backstage: The Presidential Debate.

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