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Topic: Pop culture and media analysis

Pop culture and media analysis examines the broader social and cultural implications of various forms of media and entertainment.

More on: Pop culture and media analysis

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the hosts' approach to pop culture and media analysis, using references to movies, TV shows, social media, and other cultural touchstones as entry points to explore broader ideas and themes.

For example, in EP.185, the hosts discuss conspiracy theories, unexplained phenomena, and urban legends, while also analyzing the movie 'Limitless' and the character of Jeremy Fragrance from social media. Similarly, in EP.183, the hosts analyze various pop culture references, such as movies, TV shows, and social media trends, to explore themes related to time travel, alternate dimensions, and the role of love in human actions.

The episodes also delve into topics like unethical practices, artificial intelligence, human behavior and psychology, and cultural change over time, showcasing the hosts' ability to connect pop culture references to these broader societal and intellectual discussions.

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