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Topic: Post traumatic growth

Post-traumatic growth is the positive psychological change that can occur after experiencing a major life crisis or traumatic event.

More on: Post traumatic growth

The podcast episodes explore the concept of post-traumatic growth, highlighting how individuals can channel adversity, trauma, and setbacks into opportunities for personal development and resilience.

Several episodes, such as It Could Just As Easily Be Us… | Stoicism's Formula For Building Resilience, How to Grow After Adversity, and Charlie Hertzog Young, "Spinning Out: Climate Change, Mental Health and Fighting for a Better Future", delve into the mechanisms of post-traumatic growth, discussing how embracing discomfort, accepting what is beyond one's control, and finding meaning in the face of challenges can lead to positive transformations.

The episodes also address the role of mindfulness, discipline, and social support in fostering post-traumatic growth, as well as the potential pitfalls of overemphasizing the concept, as explored in Are We Overusing The Word "Trauma" & Critique Of The Body Keeps The Score.

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