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Topic: Poverty and Income Inequality

Poverty and income inequality are pressing issues that stem from complex economic and social factors, with far-reaching impacts on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

More on: Poverty and Income Inequality

The topic of 'Poverty and Income Inequality' is central to the discussions in several of the podcast episodes provided, as they delve into the causes, effects, and potential solutions to these complex societal challenges.

In the EXTRA! EXTRA! The Newsboy Strike Episode! from 'Stuff You Should Know', the episode explores the historical 1899 Newsboy Strike in New York City, where young newspaper delivery workers from poor, working-class backgrounds fought against increased prices and poor working conditions, highlighting the struggles faced by those living in poverty.

The Confronting Hasan Piker on Socialist Grift, Hypocrisy, and How "The Top 1%" Keeps You Poor! episode from 'The Iced Coffee Hour' features a political commentator discussing poverty, income inequality, and the need for greater government intervention and social safety nets to address these issues.

Finally, the The Science of Free Money (Universal Basic Income) episode from 'Sci Guys' delves into the potential of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a means to provide a financial safety net and address systemic poverty and income inequality.

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