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Topic: Preconfirmations

Preconfirmations are a mechanism that enables applications to receive strong cryptographic guarantees about the future state of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for more secure and scalable off-chain execution.

More on: Preconfirmations

The podcast episodes discuss how preconfirmations, enabled by attester-proposer separation (APS) and proposer-builder separation (PBS), can unlock a new design space for decentralized applications by providing strong guarantees about the future state of the Ethereum blockchain.

In the episode Ethereum's Path Forward: Aligning Security and Monetary Policy, the guests Hasu and Justin Drake dive into the effects of Ethereum's monetary policy on the validator set and how preconfirmations can help address this. They also cover the current market for restaking and how it can impact Ethereum's monetary policy.

The episode How AVSs Enable Scalable, Secure and Customizable Execution explores how Application-Specific Blockchains (AVSs) can leverage restaked ETH and preconfirmations to enable customizable off-chain execution while preserving the benefits of shared L1 liquidity.

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