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Topic: Prediction

Prediction is the process of using data and models to forecast future outcomes and events.

More on: Prediction

The podcast episodes discuss the role of prediction in various domains, including air traffic control, biology, and AI systems.

In Oral History: Minimizing the Risk of Mid-Air Collisions, the episode explores how AI can be used to improve the prediction of aircraft behavior and aid in collision avoidance systems.

The episode on Christoph Adami's work delves into how information theory and the concept of information as the ability to make accurate predictions provide a powerful lens for understanding biology, evolution, and the origin of life.

The episode on when AI goes wrong examines the hazards of relying too heavily on predictive AI models, which can be flawed due to issues like data leakage and sampling bias, leading to inaccurate predictions with potentially serious consequences.

Finally, the episode featuring Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett discusses the brain's predictive processes and their role in constructing emotional experiences.

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