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Topic: Premonitions

Premonitions are a form of precognition, or the ability to perceive information about future events before they occur, often in the form of dreams or visions.

More on: Premonitions

The podcast episodes explore the concept of premonitions, where characters describe having eerie visions or dreams that appear to predict or warn about impending dangers or tragedies.

These premonitions add an unsettling, supernatural layer to the stories, as the characters grapple with the blurred lines between dreams and reality, and whether they should heed these foreboding warnings. Examples can be seen in episodes like "I Know What You Did Next Summer", "Planes, Trains, and Ghostmobiles", and "FEED DROP: What Was That Like".

The podcast "Messages From Mothman" also explores the concept of premonitions, specifically investigating reports of the Mothman phenomenon and how these sightings may have served as warnings before major events like the Chernobyl disaster.

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