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Topic: Present Moment Awareness

Present Moment Awareness is the practice of being fully engaged and attentive to the current experience, rather than being distracted by thoughts about the past or future.

More on: Present Moment Awareness

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of being grounded in the present moment and not dwelling on the past or future. Several episodes emphasize techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and breath awareness as ways to cultivate a stronger connection to the here and now.

For example, the episode 'An Always-Available Source Of Stability | Bonus Meditation with Oren Jay Sofer' discusses how recognizing the stability and 'okayness' of the present moment can provide a sense of mental grounding. The episode '279 | Ellen Langer on Mindfulness and the Body' explores how mindfulness involves paying attention to one's thoughts and external environment in the current moment.

Other episodes like 'The Ultimate Relaxation Meditation | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren' and 'Stop Trying To Control Everything | Bonus Meditation with Sebene Selassie' guide listeners through meditations designed to anchor them in the present, reducing overthinking and promoting a sense of calm and ease.

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